Community Discussions
Strange "with" within sentence.
I saw a sentence like these: Your complaint will be dealt with quickly. It enables routine enquiries to be dealt with quickly. Would it be correct to write them without "with". Is it some specific construction? Does it work only with quickly or with other adverbs too?
Which one is correct?
1.βI live in the west part of the city.β 2.βI live in the western part of the city.β 3.ββI live in the west half part of the city.β 4. βI live in the west half the of city.β
Pronouncing "y" as a short e instead of a long e like ee
I've noticed in British English many people say their "y"s as e instead of the pronunciation in most dictionaries which is ee. For example party as "paa te" instead of "paa tee". Is this proper British English or a dialect of some kind and if so what is it called
Can "visiting" be used here instead of "having visited"?
What English sounds do you struggle with?
Hi! I will be teaching my first English class to adult immigrants starting next week, and I'm planning on including some minimal pairs work to help familiarize my students with challenging English phonemes. If you are an English learner, I'd love to know: \- What English sounds do you have the hardest time saying/recognizing? Are there any words in particular that give you a lot of trouble? \- What is your native language? \- What was most helpful to you when you were a beginner? \- Any other things that you'd want a teacher to know so they could give you a great experience! Thanks in advance for the help!
What is this tool?
How do you say this in English? A tool used to tighten the nut of a kitchen faucet.
To teach or not to teach?
Hello everyone. I have been learning English for several months. It is going slowly, but I continue to work on myself. The only thing that demotivates me is AI. All they say is that AI will soon replace people, that learning a language is no longer necessary, that Elon Musk will soon introduce implants, etc. Share your opinion, to learn or not to learn English for work, for study.... or is it already useless. Thank you.
Do I sound like an American?
So, it's been two and a half years since I last posted here, and last time people already thought I sounded basically American or at least like someone who "grew up in the US with foreign parents" or something along those lines. In the meantime, I've been showing my recordings to some Americans I know, and they usually think I sound very close to an actual American. So I'd like to please hear from all of you on this subreddit again! Do you think I could pass for an American? What still sounds off to you, if anything at all? I'd be very grateful for any and all feedback! Thank you very much.
Why the answer to Q27 is D?
I can't figure out why. Would you give me some explanation? Thank you in advance!
Not learnt commas
Hello, I have a strong feeling that while I was learning English, all the teachers never said anything about putting commas after the words 'however', 'nevertheless' or 'therefore' when they are at the beginning of the sentence. Today when I write something in English, all the tools, which help to write, seem to convince me to put the comma in these sentences. Can you guide me what is correct? e.g. However, we did not like them. Therefore, he has decided to make different decision. With or without comma?