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I don’t usually catch the last few words of the sentence when native speaker talks

for example I can catch phrases or first few word like “Do you think” or “I don’t like” but I find it very difficult to understand the sentences and words following up to those phrase since most of the native speaker doesn’t pronounce clearly. What kind of practice i can do to be able to make out that? I’m afraid that I couldn’t think of any good examples for this but hopefully yall get what i want to say.


Ask them to speak more slowly.
It sounds like you just need more practice listening. You understand "do you think" and "I don't like" because those are common phrases that you have practiced listening to over and over. *Anything* could come after those phrases, so you may just need to improve your English in general. I know that isn't very helpful, but you have to start somewhere, and there isn't a magic way to get better. Just expose yourself to more spoken English dialogue.
I was like you. My advice is: Listen listen and listen. Try to listen to videos or podcasts, but instead of listening to 10 videos, just listen to the same video many times, with subtitles and without subtitles until you feel you can understand everything easily. That worked for me and made a big difference.
This was also an issue for me when I was first learning. I found what was causing it for me was often just one word I didn't know. Someone would be talking and I'm understanding ok, then they use a word not in my vocabulary and my brain focuses on trying to figure out what it means, meanwhile they are still talking and I lose the rest of that sentence along with the next. I started focusing on getting the gist of each sentence other than trying to catch every single word. That's what worked for me.